Thursday, December 18, 2008

DVD Bundle Sale

I am the first to admit that I suffer from training ADD. It seems that at my facility I have so many options sometimes I can't think about where I want to spend my time. Then I think about the fact that truly 80% of my results are going to come from 20% of the exercises. The truth is that it is the programs that make all the difference.

Yet, I love new drills as well! So, for the next Christmas gift I wanted to give you six months of training programs and over 100 exercises for under $100! That is four DVDs and my KNOCKOUT! e-book for under $100, that is over $100 savings.

Do you like kettlebells? We've got programs for you! Bodyweight training? Yep, you too! Sandbags, of course and best part combined with all these great training methods. So, make sure to check out this 48-hour sale now!

In Strength,Josh Henkin, CSCS

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