Thursday, January 8, 2009

Revolutionizing Home Workouts

My favorite videos are those that I am sent on almost a daily basis from all of you! Showing me how you have taken the concepts I am trying to teach and apply them in creative and effective workouts is truly inspiring. The other day I received a great video from Adam Harmer. You can quickly tell Adam is serious about his fitness, but keeps it simple and at home! This is also a great example on how a few training tools can give you an infinite amount of challenging exercises. Check these out and in the upcoming weeks I will be posting far more from you guys and the awesome training programs you have come up with!

1 comment:

Don said...

This video was exactly what I needed. I'm looking at putting together something like this for the weekend circuit workout as a supplement to the weekday weight training. I hate aerobics and cardio and this is exactly what I plan to do to get the heart rate going and the fat burning.