Thursday, October 9, 2008

Dual Sandbag Lifting

The versatility of sandbag never ceases to amaze me. It is so easy to become limited by our experiences in strength training and think of sandbag training only in terms of other implements such as barbells, dumbbells, and kettlebells. The truth of the matter is that sandbags really are their own beast. So many of the drills are unique in not only in their performance, but feel as well.

One of the reasons I like sandbag training so much is that you can get amazing core training without really doing core work. Yes, this is a common idea nowadays, but most people still don't use implements like sandbags to accomplish this. Like Steve Maxwell said, "I can bring the most elite athlete to his knees in a few minutes of sandbag training."

Sandbags work the core because you have an odd weight resting on the body in an awkward position. It takes a lot of work by all of the core (abs, low back, and hips) to keep the body in good postural alignment. That is why drills such as shoulder squats, shouldering, side to side press, half moon snatches, etc. are so awesome for training the core.

However, one thing that too many people don't think of is actually implementing two sandbags into exercises. This creates a far new and more challenging demand on the core because you will have resistance coming from different leverage points and positions.

Check out some of my favorite drills using two sandbags and see how incredibly challenging this type of training can be!

1 comment:

Elton said...

You may use Phentermine for weight loss.