Sunday, February 15, 2009

Crunched Time Fitness

I'd love to say that everyone has time and interest to pursue hour long workouts, but let's face it, this just isn't the case. Even those that love to train like myself, can often find themselves in a crunch for a quality workout in a short amount of time. I have to be honest though, I am just not into workouts of hundreds of repetitions of the same movement. While I know that is in vogue right now, I'd rather have a more balanced routine to train a lot of movement.

Complexes lend us the opportunity to do just that! Why perform hundreds of repetitions of one movement? This can lead to the same overtraining that we find so common in endurance sports. More importantly overuse injuries as well, this makes utilizing effective methods of complexes even more helpful.

In this series I demonstrate a very common use of complexes. By performing a set number of repetitions of one movement immediately followed by another, makes for a routine that allows for challenging the entire body without overemphasis on any one area or muscle group. As the leading authority of complexes, Istavan Javorek, would state, complexes make for a more balanced athlete.

Perform this routine 1-2 times a week, when you are crunched for time and see how a small planned workout can outperform a long mess of a training session.

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