Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Power of Home Gym Training

When I began training I couldn't imagine training at home! Why train at home when you can go to the gym and have hundreds of pieces of equipment at your finger tips. Of course I was only 19 at the time. When you are 19 you have 3 hours to spend at the gym. When you are 19 you have minimal aches and pains. When you are 19 you don't generally have family and career commitments. This is something I learned very quickly when I began working with people with real lives.

This isn't a bad thing though. Quickly you really start to learn what is effective and what you are wasting your time doing. The saying 80% of your results comes from 20% of your work is very true especially when it comes to training. Many of us often try to to do too much and compromise the time we spend on the "big bang" exercises. When we narrow it down, we could spend 30-40 minutes on a few exercises that really impact our training or 3 hours performing a bunch of random exercises where only a handful are actually helpful.

Then comes home gym training. The reason many people drift to in home training is they don't have time to drive to the gym, change, fight the crowds, deal with the meatheads, and then maybe get a good workout while noisy music is blasting. Training at home can be really beneficial and that is how Muata Kamdibe trained to lose an amazing 133 pounds. You can see him training in the video below.

So, if you think home gym training isn't serious business you have another thing coming! If you want to see the first installment of our series of home gym training.

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