Friday, May 2, 2008

A Sandbag isn't just a Sandbag

I always find it amusing how many people often feel limited in the scope of which they view things. What am I talking about? I have been sent many great videos of people using our sandbags and every time I am amazed how creative people are. Then I often find videos of sandbag training on the internet and it is pretty much status quo.

To be honest, if the only thing you could do with a sandbag was zercher squat and carry I wouldn't have taken on such a project like Sandbag Fitness Systems. Sure, those are fine exercises and if that is all you wanetd to do with them I would tell you absolutety DON'T invest in our sandbags, simply not worth it.

It reminds me greatly of the kettlebell dilemma as well. There are some kettlebell knockoffs that you can save some money, but you can perform 2-3 exercises with. Is it really worth the couple of bucks you saved? Versus having a kettlebell that you can come up with literally hundreds of different movements?

Sandbags seem to be facing the same dilemma. Why hasn't it made it mainstream? Simply because most people have a narrow view of the possibility of sandbag training. Recently I had the great opportunity to speak with Pavel Tstasouline about my striving goal of making sandbag training a more comprehensive system of training. When I asked him about the development of his very popular RKC he told me it was very "organic" and what the people brought that trained with kettlebells had just as much to do with its development.

I have begun to see his point. While I have worked very hard to provide many ideas and programs, the fact of the matter is, that many great coaches have other phenomenal ideas that I would have never thought of. This has helped me make the beginnings of Sandbag Fitness Systems grow and the constant revision and evolution of our sandbag as well.

One of my early clients, Body Tribe Fitness in Sacramento has been very innovative in the integration of our sandbags into training. Watch some of their very interesting ideas below and tell me if a sandbag is really just a sandbag.

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